All the events will thus be maintained in a new format:
remote and completely dematerialized.
Let us meet again during these innovative concertations to experiment together a new way of cooperation, in trust and goodwill. Let us rise to the challenge of this humanitarian crisis that affects our daily lives and our ecosystems, our confidence and our performance.
The concertations program for 2020
in remote connection during containment.
08 juin - Learning from the crisis to prepare a better future (Événement international en anglais)
The unprecedented situation we are experiencing forces us to try new ways of doing things, encourages us to go beyond ourselves and to rethink the way we function and collaborate as human beings. Therefore, in order to make the most of this special time and to collectively learn from each other’s experiences, you are invited to share your views on the practices we should continue after confinement.
Event location: in remote connection (online)
Schedule: from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Register by clicking here!
25 June - Developing individual responsibility for a collective ambition
24 Sep - Developing the art of questioning and co-innovation to become an actor of one's future
26 Nov - Harnessing the power of language to mobilize your teams
May 28 - Moving from power relations to a relationship of trust
Event location: in remote connection (online)
April 30 - Renewing one's workspace for new social relations
Event location: in remote connection (online)
March 26 - Collective intelligence at the service of performance
Event location: in remote connection (online)
27 Feb - Giving meaning to daily action to motivate a team
18 June - Taking responsibility for sustainable environmental behaviour
Location: in remote connection (online)
Schedule: from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Register by clicking here!
08 Oct - Learning to live better together
19 Nov - Rethinking our relationship with nature
May 14 - Rethinking our Consumer Acts
Event location: in remote connection (online)
02 April - Rethinking the education system
Register by clicking here!
Event location: remote connection (online)
Generations in
Colleges, High Schools, Universities, Business Schools, Engineering Schools… Let’s create links to invent together the world of tomorrow.
Meetings organized at the ETHICS Village
A physical third-place
Public from overseas
A digital third-place
Video presentation
The ETHICS Village